JS Countdown Timer


JS Countdown Timer is a Joomla 3x plugin designed to help you display a countdown easily with just a simple shortcode. Display four very different types of customizable countdown timers for increasing your sales. We've worked hard to make this extension a reality and to provide everything you'll need to be successful with our software (including excellent documentation as well as a support forum).


Install the plugin using standard Joomla! installation procedure (Extensions -> Extension Manager -> Install). After the plugin is installed please make sure to enable the plugins from the plugin manager.

Shortcode Configuration

Shortcodes are used in the following manner with two main parameters: 'type' and 'end'. With only these two parameters you can create any of the 4 types of countdown timer that are included in the plugin.

[jscountdowntimer type="circular" end="2017-01-01 00:00:00" ]

There are 4 different countdown timer types you can use under the 'type' parameter including type="circular", type="flip", type="box" or type="raw". Each type will display a completely different style of countdown timer making this the perfect solution for your countdown timer needs.

The 'end' parameter is set to the datetime that you'd like the countdown timer to expire on. This is a datetime string formatted like this: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Don't forget to use 24 hr time for the hours.

Raw Timer Shortcode Parameters
Parameter Type Notes
type string One of the 4 types: type="circular", type="flip", type="box" or type="raw"
end string Datetime string formatted like this: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
strftime string The formatting string for how you'd like the timer datetime to be displayed (not required)
Flip Timer Shortcode Parameters
Parameter Type Notes
type string One of the 4 types: type="circular", type="flip", type="box" or type="raw"
end string Datetime string formatted like this: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
Circular Timer Shortcode Parameters
Parameter Type Notes
type string One of the 4 types: type="circular", type="flip", type="box" or type="raw"
end string Datetime string formatted like this: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
width string The width of one of the circular knobs. The width you use will be applied to all 4 circular knobs.
height string The height of one of the circular knobs. The height you use will be applied to all 4 circular knobs.
bgColor string Background color
fontWeight string Font weight
font string Font family
inputColor string The color of the input
fgColor string Foreground color
displayPrevious string Displays the previous value with transparency (default=false)
lineCap string Gauge stroke endings (default=butt, round=rounded line endings)
thickness integer Gauge thickness
Box Timer Shortcode Parameters
Parameter Type Notes
type string One of the 4 types: type="circular", type="flip", type="box" or type="raw"
end string Datetime string formatted like this: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
insidebg string Hex color code for the inside background color
insidetxt string Hex color code for the inside text color
outsidebg string Hex color code for the outside background color
outsidetxt string Hex color code for the outside text color

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