JS Promo Bar


JS Promo Bar is a highly configurable, FREE Joomla module for showing a notification bar across the top or bottom of your webpage. We've worked hard to make this extension a reality and to provide everything you'll need to be successful with our software (including excellent documentation as well as a support forum).


Install the plugin using standard Joomla! installation procedure (Extensions -> Extension Manager -> Install). After the plugin is installed please make sure to enable the plugins from the plugin manager.


Ok, so you've installed JS Promo Bar now what do you do? Create a new module instance of type JS Promo Bar from the Joomla module manager. Place the module in the debug position of your template, hide the module title and select which menu items you'd like JS Promo Bar to display.


Configure the module using the configuration parameters listed in the table below.

Option Description Type Default
Promo Message What text will be inside bar. Can be HTML or just text. String [optional] "Your message here"
Delay How long bar will be delayed, doesn't count animation time. Integer [optional] 2000
Animation Speed How long this bar will be slided up and down. String | Integer "normal"
Style Select which style to use. Possible values are default, error, warning, success, custom. If you're selecting custom then you need to enter the custom CSS classname in the CSS Class field. Make sure to define your CSS class in your template's custom.css file. String ""
CSS Class You can define own CSS class for JS Promo Bar. String ""
Close If set to true close button will be displayed. Boolean false
Close Text Sets the text to close button. String "Close [X]"
Waiting For Close If enabled, notify bar don't close until user presses the close button. Boolean true
Position Set the position of notify bar. Possible values are top, bottom. string "top"

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